Pipouette's diary

Colorie avec Pipouette
  • Activités

Color with Pipouette

We want pencils of all colors, soft pink, bright yellow, shiny glitter. We invited illustrators to share their interpretation of Pipouette with you to keep your kids busy. What if...

Préparez votre chasse aux oeufs avec Pipouette
  • Activités

Prepare your egg hunt with Pipouette

Then simply cut them out, stick skewers or stir sticks on the back with tape or a glue gun, and plant them in your garden or planters!

DIY – Couronne d’émotions et gentils fantômes
  • Activités

DIY – Crown of emotions and friendly ghosts

Hello everyone, Materials needed for this activity: For this activity you will need: – Canson paper - A pair of scissors - A pencil -Eraser -A stapler -A ruler -Glue...