Pipouette is...

A fun tool dedicated to children for learning how to expressing emotions.

A communication facilitator for your adult/child relationship.

The brand
Découvrir, vivre et exprimer en confiance ses émotions


and multi-age

Outil pédagogique émotions des enfants


learning and expressing emotions

support interactif émotions des enfants


At the service of the relationship
between adults and children

Do you have any questions ? We answer you!

    How to use Pipouette?

    Trust yourself ! Here's our recommandation :

    Phase 1 : Meeting the family

    Upon arrival, your family will become familiar with Pipouette. You've got to let things happen naturally, and Pipouette will find its own place in your daily life: during bedtime, at the table, while getting dressed, on walks, at the pediatrician's office, and more...

    Phase 2: When everything is going well

    This is the right time to start learning about emotions. At first, take some time to introduce each facial expression. For example, when Pipouette is feeling angry, their eyebrows are furrowed, their eyes become smaller with a dark gaze, their cheeks turn red (do you think Pipouette feels hot or cold?), you can cross Pipouette's arms or make its body tense (is Pipouette relaxed or tense? Is its heart beating fast or slow? Do you feel the same way too? When? You know, I also feel the same way when...).

    Other educational and playful activities can be done, such as taking time together for each family member to express their current emotion through Pipouette, associating the emotions with the poster or with the house of emotions with Pipouette's facial expressions, playing the emotions memory game in the guide (provided via email), miming emotions, and more...

    Phase 3: During emotional storms

    Just before or right after the tantrum, Pipouette has a role to play!

    For example, to defuse a crisis, Turn Pipouette into your ally playing your role as a guiding parent. Offer Pipouette to your child without putting on a face. Use a different voice to make Pipouette speak and ask, "Can you help me find my emotion?" The child will then put the face on Pipouette that corresponds to their own emotion. Their feelings are acknowledged, and you can verbalize them. Depending on the child's age, open up a dialogue to delve deeper. We suggest ending with a big hug among the three of you and placing a pleasant emotion on Pipouette: love, relief, joy, etc.

    From what age is Pipouette suitable ?

    Right from the birth of your child up until 8 years old.. ! Pipouette can be adapted to your needs and will evolve with the child : reassuring rabbit to cuddle, playmate, learning emotional support, a mediator.. Pipouette is useful to children but also to adults.

    Quelle est la différence entre ancienne et nouvelle génération ?

    En mars 2023, nous avons apporté des évolutions à certains de nos produits. Cette date marque le changement entre Pipouette 1ère génération (ancienne génération sur le site) et Pipouette 2ème génération. 

    Sur le compagnon des émotions, nous avons changé le rembourrage pour qu'il se lave plus facilement et nous avons agrandi la zone du velcro sur la tête du compagnon. Sur les visages, nous avons modifié au dos la position du scratch qui est désormais plus haute  et nous avons changé également le rembourrage pour optimiser la tenue dans le temps.

    Vous êtes concerné.e par l'ancienne génération si vous avez acheté un compagnon des émotions avant février 2023. 

    Vous pouvez compléter la gamme ici : https://pipouette.com/collections/ancienne-generation.

    Vous y trouverez tous les produits adaptés à votre compagnon des émotions. 

    Nous ne vous oublions pas et nous continuons à produire nos produits pour votre génération de Pipouette !

    Pour les vêtements, vous pouvez choisir toutes les tenues du vestiaire : https://pipouette.com/collections/dressing-de-pipouette

    Merci beaucoup pour votre confiance et votre fidélité.

    I have several children. Should I get one companions or many ?

    Nothing is mandatory!

    When each child has his or her own Pipouette, they will truly become attached to it and feel safe. This allows them to confide in Pipouette and involve it in their daily life. If your children share Pipouette, we recommend introducing Pipouette as a support that will help the entire family and making it available where everyone has access to it.

    I already have Pipouette. Can I complete my collection ?

    Yes of course ! You have the option to complete the faces as you go according to your needs. You will find all the faces individually and in packs in the " faces " category on the shop.

    You also have the possibility of changing Pipouette's outfits to teach the children how to dress according to the seasons or simply have fun in the " cloakroom " category.

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  • témoignage outil pédagogique pipouette

    Now, Pipouette is the one who helps Hazel navigate the emotional storms she goes through and to experience her emotions without holding them back

    Sarah - Hazel's Mom

  • Avis maman Pipouette émotions des enfants

    Aujourd’hui Pipouette est celle qui aide Hazel à traverser ses tempêtes émotionnelles et à vivre ses émotions sans les retenir.

    Sarah - Maman de Hazel

  • Avis Pro de l'enfance Pipouette émotions

    I'm grateful to the brand for existing, and for creating such an effective tool for us, childhood professionals !

    Maelys Le Levreur - Parent Coach

  • Témoignage famille pipouette émotions

    Pipouette helps us regulate Gaspard's emotions, as he struggles a lot with managing his frustration. Thanks to Pipouette's different facial expressions, it's easy to know how he's feeling."

    Emmanuelle - Mum of Gaspard and Scarlett