So Santa Claus, does he exist or does he not exist?

Alors le Père Noël, il existe ou il existe pas ?

Christmas is fast approaching, and with it, the eternal question of Santa Claus. What should you tell your children? Should we let them believe it? When to tell them that the old bearded gentleman doesn't exist? If they ask us the question, what do we say?? Let's do a check in !

Believe it or not?

For several years, the question has been debated within the parent communities. Should we let our children believe in Santa Claus or not? Among the arguments of the “pros”, those of letting the child dream, to make his imagination work and to share the magic of Christmas. For them, Christmas without the Big Red Man is not Christmas! Whether families give a religious connotation to this celebration or not, Santa Claus is part of a tradition, a folklore, a wonder that they cannot do without. Seeing toddlers' eyes light up when we talk about it, looking forward to the night of December 24, placing little cookies and a carrot at the foot of the fireplace, all this is part of the Christmas “package”! For other parents, on the contrary, it is unthinkable to make their children believe that someone imaginary is coming to bring them gifts. For them, Santa Claus is above all marketing and aims to increase consumption (it is true that he was basically institutionalized by the Coca-Cola brand…!). And above all, it requires parents to lie to their children, which is unbearable for them. There is also the dimension of thanks that is close to their hearts: if it is Santa Claus who brings the gifts, who to say thank you to and how to realize the value of things? For them, Santa Claus keeps children in a distortion of reality and in an exacerbated bubble of protection. So Santa Claus, does he exist or does he not exist? 1 To which the “pros” will reply that little children will have plenty of time to discover the reality (and the harshness) of life, that it is not particularly preserving them to leave this magic to them… Chez Pipouette , we figure that the “right” answer is probably somewhere in between, and more complicated than a simple “Yes” or “No” (like always, did you notice?!). But above all, what matters to us is the well-being of YOU and your children. Beliefs and traditions belong to each of us, to our families and it is above all essential to be aligned with your own and to respect those of others. Couldn't a way of being “in between” be on the one hand to let your child believe in Santa Claus while telling him that those he meets in the street are “ fake" ? Or on the other hand, that in our family we don't say that it's Santa Claus who brings the presents for Christmas, but that others believe in it, and that it's important to let them believe it and to respect them? So Santa Claus, does he exist or does he not exist? 2 So Santa Claus, does he exist or does he not exist?

How to accompany their questions and their emotions?

When one chooses to perpetuate the myth of Santa Claus, the older the child, the closer he approaches to the fateful moment when he will learn the truth. It is then a period of anxiety for the parents, who are waiting to see when, with whom, where, how this moment will arrive. We watch for school returns, birthday parties, family reunions, we no longer know if we should hide the gifts or not… And then come the questions…! "Mom, Gaspard at school he told me that Santa Claus doesn't exist", "Dad, why does Santa's present have the same wrapping paper as the one in the entrance?", " But finally, how can Santa Claus bring so many presents to so many children in one night?” This is exactly where you have to get out the “secret weapon” question of any parent: “And you, what do you think?”, “In your opinion?” Listen carefully to the answers, they are likely to surprise you deeply and soften you...! If the child is ready, he will express doubts, he may even ask you to tell him what you know. It's time. The moment to tell him gently, calmly, to tell him that it's part of the magic of Christmas, that it's a beautiful story that adults tell to little children so that they can dream. That now that he/she is grown up, you feel that he/she is ready to be taken into your confidence. If your child has little brothers, sisters, cousins, value him/her by telling him/her that now, he/she is one of the big ones who will make the little ones believe, and make them dream. in their turn. If you feel your child is lost or confused, if he/she shows you disappointment, sadness or even a little anger, welcome these emotions, listen to them, understand them, reassure him/her. .la (especially on the fact that he.she will still have presents at Christmas!). Pipouette will then be your best ally to send him the messages you want. It's normal to experience disappointment when you discover that something you've always believed in doesn't really exist. But it is also the symbol that he.she is growing up, and very quickly disappointment will give way to relief and pride! On the other hand, if the child is not yet ready, he/she will also be able to let you know very well. “Me, I believe in it!”, “Gaspard, he says nonsense!”, “Anyway, everyone believes in what they want”.

And boom ! It's not the time yet, we close the discussion, we have a big threesome hug with Pipouette, recalling how proud we are of him. her, and we move on…until next year!